All Hinge members are required to have between 4 to 6 photos, depending on local requirements, along with three prompt answers. This helps to create a more three-dimensional picture of who you are so that other members can get to know the real you.
To edit your profile information follow the steps below:
If you're an iOS user:
- Tap on the photo icon at the bottom right of the navigation bar
- Tap the Pencil icon next to your profile photo at the top
- Tap on any of your photos to edit / change them
- Scroll down and tap on anything you’d like to edit
- Identity: Pronouns, Gender, Sexuality, I’m interested in
- My Virtues: Work, Job Title, School, Education Level, Religious Beliefs, Hometown, Politics, Languages Spoken, Dating Intentions, Religious Type
- My Vitals: Name, Age, Height, Location, Ethnicity, Children, Family Plans, Covid Vaccine, Pets, Zodiac Sign
- My Vices: Drinking, Smoking, Marijuana, Drugs
- Tap the square next to “visible on profile” to make the information visible on your profile.
- Tap the Back arrow < at the top when you’re happy with your changes
- Tap Done to save your changes
If you're an Android user:
- Tap on the photo icon at the bottom right of the navigation bar
- Tap the Pencil icon next to your profile photo at the top
- Tap on any of your photos to edit / change them
- Scroll down and tap on anything you’d like to edit
- Identity: Pronouns, Gender, Sexuality, I’m interested in
- My Virtues: Work, Job Title, School, Education Level, Religious Beliefs, Hometown, Politics, Languages Spoken, Dating Intentions, Religious Type
- My Vitals: Name, Age, Height, Location, Ethnicity, Children, Family Plans, Covid Vaccine, Pets, Zodiac Sign
- My Vices: Drinking, Smoking, Marijuana, Drugs
- Tap the square next to “visible on profile” to make the information visible on your profile.
- Tap the Back arrow < at the top when you’re happy with your changes
- Tap Done to save your changes
Once you’ve made your edits, if you’d like to view your profile as it appears to others:
- Within the Hinge app, tap your Photo Icon on the far right of the navigation bar
- Tap the Pencil Icon
- Tap the word View at the top of your screen.
How can I add Languages Spoken to my Profile?
To add Languages Spoken to your profile, please follow the steps below:
- Within the Hinge app, tap your Photo icon on the far right of your navigation bar
- Tap the Pencil icon next to your profile image at the top
- Scroll down and tap Languages Spoken under My Virtues
- Select your Languages by one of two methods:
- Start typing the name of the language you’d like to add
- Scroll through our options and make a selection.You must select from the languages available on the list.
- Tap the square next to Visible on Profile to make the information visible on your profile
How do I set my current location?
To set or update your location:
- Within the Hinge app, tap your Photo Icon on the far right of the navigation bar
- Tap the Pencil Icon next to your profile image at the top
- Tap Location under My Vitals
- Tap the compass icon at the bottom right of the map, or pinch and zoom to hover over your desired location.
Please note: Hinge pulls a location name directly from Google Maps. Occasionally, Google Maps has outdated or lesser-known names for neighborhoods.
If you’d like to set your location to a more general area, you can zoom out until you see a more general location name.
How do I update my age?
Ideally, when creating an account the birthdate entered is accurate. However, if you need to update your age you can do so through the following steps:
on iOS:
- Within the Hinge app, tap your Photo icon on the far right of the navigation bar
- Tap the Pencil icon
- Tap Age under My Vitals
- Select your date of birth (Note: This can only be changed once)
on Android:
- Within the Hinge app, tap your Photo icon on the far right of the navigation bar
- Tap the Pencil icon
- Tap Age under My Vitals
- Select your date of birth
Tap the back symbol when you're happy with the changes (Note: This can only be changed once)
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