Roses are a way to let someone know that you really, really like their profile.
When you see someone in your Discover or Standouts feed and want to be sure to get their attention, you can send a Rose. Roses will show up at the top of someone's Likes You screen so you'll be impossible to miss!
To send a Rose in Discover:
1. Tap the red heart on a person's photo or prompt answer
2. Add a comment (this is optional, but helps you personalize your gesture)
3. Tap the Rose icon instead of "Send Like"
To send a Rose in Standouts:
1. Tap the star to see Standouts
2. Tap the Rose icon in a photo or Prompt that you like
3. Add a comment (this is optional, but a very good idea)
4. When you're ready, tap Send Rose
Hinge members will get one free Rose every week. Please note that free Roses don't accumulate. If you don't use your weekly Rose this week, you'll still only have one free Rose available next week. In other words: Use it or lose it!
You can also purchase more Roses at any time by tapping on the Rose icon after you've used all your available Roses. Roses that are purchased will not expire until you use them.
You can view your available roses by tapping on your profile photo in the lower right corner of the app, then scrolling down.
You can also view your available roses each time you send an outgoing like.
Receiving a Rose:
This is what it looks like if you receive a Rose:
To accept an incoming rose, tap on the profile that sent the rose, then if you want to Match with them, tap the chat icon and either add a message to send or simply tap the Match button.
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