Submit a request

Your first name

Your last name

If "Other", please provide more information in the "Description" section below!

Please select where you purchased your subscription

If "Other", please provide more information in the "Description" section below!

By reporting, you authorize us to review all relevant information, including exchanged messages, profile information, etc. We will only review sufficient information to take appropriate action. Your report and identity will remain confidential.

We take our responsibility to prevent discrimination very seriously and we encourage you to report any instances of transphobia, racism, homophobia, or any other forms of bigotry.

The phone number associated with your Hinge account.

Please type the name of the person you want to report as it appeared on their Hinge profile. If you do not recall the name please type "N/A"

Describe the content and where it is located. If the content is located on a user’s profile, provide details such as the user’s name, age, location.

Explain why you believe the content is illegal. For example state the crime, applicable law(s), or other information that would help us confirm the illegality of the content.

I affirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information I am providing is accurate and complete.

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